Looking Real Brand New: It's Launch Day!

Sooooo... we've done a bit of remodeling around here!

New logo and new website and we're so excited about it! It has been a long time coming and the website is finally live. We celebrated our 5th year anniversary in March of this year and I just felt like we needed something fresh. The first 5 years, I allowed myself and others to put my brand in a box. Now...lets just say, "what box??" 

I prayed about it, solicited feedback from my circle and you all and decided to shut the site down! Did everything go as planned? OF COURSE NOT!! Ran into some roadblocks, the creative ideas stopped and the disappointment of the time that it was taking to relaunch the site started to sink in. Then I had to holler at my homie, God, again and I was reminded that everything happens for a reason. 

I don't work on my time and honestly, God is the REAL CEO of Nora 22...so I had to sit back and let him work and that he did! While the site was under construction, we created a community for those who needed a safe space to talk and learn about Alzheimer's Disease called Nora's Corner on Facebook and we started our Youtube channel, Let's Talk Alzheimer's, to shine light on millennial caregivers and their stories and much more. We even opened the site for a quick t-shirt drop!

I feel like we're just getting started even though it has already been 5 years. It's no coincidence that we are relaunching in August, the 8th month of the year. The number 8 is the number of new beginnings and ya'll...there's so much more to come! Plus we couldn't launch without a little something for ya'll...

The ENTIRE SITE is 40% off until the end of the month! We're showing our appreciation and making room for the new merch that is on the way. 

Thank you all for being so patient and we would love to hear what you think of the new site. Let us know in the in the comments. Also, in case you haven't heard, we are no longer @nora22store on social media. We are now @nora22brand!